Honoring Henrietta Lacks

Our work with members of the Lacks family since 2010 has resulted in the development of a series of programs to recognize and honor Henrietta Lacks and her extraordinary contribution to clinical research and the advancement of health throughout the world.
These include scholarships, engagement with local schools, and annual symposia. In 2016, Johns Hopkins began discussions about naming a new building on the medical campus and a graduate-level scholarship at the school of medicine for Henrietta Lacks.
Henrietta Lacks Symposiums
The Johns Hopkins Institute for Clinical and Translational Research (ICTR) hosts two annual Henrietta Lacks Symposiums.
One brings together researchers and the community to discuss ethics in medical research and how they can effectively work together. Last year’s forum was attended by more than 1,000 people.
The second event is an annual Henrietta Lacks High School Symposium, bringing Baltimore City youth to Johns Hopkins to spend a day learning about biomedical research and bioethics.
The Henrietta Lacks East Baltimore Health Sciences Scholarship
Established in 2011, The Henrietta Lacks East Baltimore Health Sciences Scholarship provides a graduate of Paul Laurence Dunbar High School with a college scholarship of up to $10,000 per year for four years to pursue a career in science.
Henrietta Lacks Memorial Award
The Johns Hopkins Urban Health Institute offers the $15,000 Henrietta Lacks Memorial Award to highlight the importance of community-university collaborations, and recognize, support and promote exceptional programs developed jointly by university members and local community groups.