Educate. Prevent. Treat. Specialized Care for Heart Disease in Women

The Johns Hopkins Women’s Cardiovascular Health Center provides education, comprehensive treatment and diagnostic services to prevent and manage heart disease in women.

Traditional and Female-Specific Risk Factors that Influence A Woman’s Cardiovascular Risk

Women face both traditional risk factors and unique risk factors for cardiovascular disease when compared to men. Watch cardiologist Erin Michos and cardiac surgeon Jennifer Lawton discuss heart disease risk factors, screening and treatment options for women.

Johns Hopkins Women's Cardiovascular Program

For generations, Johns Hopkins cardiologists and cardiac surgeons have been providing comprehensive care of the highest quality, ensuring that patients receive the most advanced treatments known to medicine.

Learn more about our services and treatments

Specialized Programs

Our center provides treatment for any woman to help prevent cardiovascular disease. The Women's Cardiovascular Health Center features specialized clinics including:

SCAD Clinic

Spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD) occurs when there is a tear in a blood vessel in the heart which can cause a heart attack. Although it is an overall rare cause of heart attacks, SCAD is common among pre-menopausal and middle-aged women. Our SCAD program provides counseling and management for women who have experienced this condition.
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Oncology Cardiovascular Disease Clinic

Cardiovascular disease can occur in women with a history of breast or other cancers, either from similar risk factors between the two conditions or resulting from cancer treatment. Our clinic provides specialized cardiovascular treatment and prevention for women who have been treated for cancer.
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Microvascular Angina Clinic

Microvascular Angina is chest pain caused by abnormal small arteries in the heart. This clinic provides treatment for this commonly undetected heart disease.
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Cardio-Obstetrics Clinic

The Cardio Obstetrics clinic provides heart disease treatment and prevention in women that are pregnant or are thinking about becoming pregnant who are at increased cardiovascular risk.
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Preventing Cardiovascular Disease

Erin Michos, M.D., is a preventive cardiologist and epidemiologist who studies populations to determine new risk factors that may contribute to cardiovascular diseases.

Services and Treatments

Cardiovascular disease can develop without any symptoms for years but can be prevented or easily treated. Our cardiologists provide a variety of clinical services, including evaluation, examination and diagnostic testing.

Our center provides personalized treatment for each patient, including lifestyle management.

  • Services

    Learn more about our comprehensive services for women at risk for cardiovascular disease.

  • Treatments

    View our specialized treatments for women diagnosed with cardiovascular disease.

Meet Our Specialists

Our multidisciplinary team provides comprehensive care for women at risk or diagnosed with heart disease.

Find Your Specialized Condition

Our experts treat a variety of conditions related to women's cardiovascular health. Learn more about our team's specialties and interests.

Make a Donation

Support our researchers' and physicians' ongoing efforts to prevent cardiovascular disease by making a donation online, by phone or by mail.


Make a donation now or pledge to give later. Fill out our secure online giving form.

Over the Phone

Call us at 410-907-5010 to speak to someone directly about making a donation.


Download our charitable giving form and mail it to our development office.

Our Locations

The Women’s Cardiovascular Health Center’s main location is at Green Spring Station. Our alternative locations are at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center and at our community physician center in Columbia, Maryland.

Heart Health Resources for Women

Learn more about cardiovascular disease in women from Johns Hopkins heart specialists.