The Johns Hopkins Cardiac Rehabilitation Center offers comprehensive, medically supervised programs for patients with heart disease to build healthy habits, learn to exercise well, follow best medical practices and live longer, healthier lives.
Why Choose Johns Hopkins
At Johns Hopkins Cardiac Rehabilitation Center, our multidisciplinary team of experts create individualized programs to help patients through their cardiac recovery process.
Your personalized cardiac rehabilitation program may consist of the following:
After an initial consultation visit, an individualized exercise prescription is designed for each participant. Participants can choose to exercise onsite in a group setting, or receive individualized instructions for at-home exercise. Feedback is provided to the participant's personal health care provider on a regular basis.
Our multidisciplinary team provides education about heart disease, specifically methods on how to stabilize or reverse heart disease by improving risk factors such as:
- Increasing physical activity
- Reducing or quitting smoking
- Lipid management
- Controlling high blood pressure
- Nutrition counseling
- Weight management
- Diabetes management
- Stress management
Cardiac rehab is a holistic approach to improving cardiovascular health that helps people lead longer, fuller lives.
Johns Hopkins expert Seth Martin, M.D., M.H.S.
Patti's Story
When Patti Caplan starting experiencing symptoms of a heart attack, including chest pain and shortness of breath, her husband quickly took her to Johns Hopkins Howard County Medical Center for lifesaving treatment.
Johns Hopkins Cardiac Rehabilitation Center Locations
Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center
5501 Hopkins Bayview Circle, 4th Floor
Baltimore, MD 21224
Phone: 410-550-0860
Fax: 410-550-7727

Johns Hopkins Howard County Medical Center
5755 Cedar Lane
Columbia, MD 21044
Phone: 443-718-3102
Fax: 443-718-3001
Learn more about cardiac rehabilitation at Johns Hopkins Howard County Medical Center

Suburban Hospital
8600 Old Georgetown Road
Bethesda, MD 20814
Phone: 301-896-2096
Fax: 301-897-1326
Watch this video for more details on cardiac rehabilitation at Suburban Hospital

Participate in Cardiac Rehabilitation Research
The Johns Hopkins Cardiac Rehabilitation Center offers the opportunity for patients to participate in scientific research studies. These studies have been collaboratively developed with patients and will help shape the way that cardiac rehabilitation is delivered in the future. Our current studies are focused on using technology for home-based delivery of cardiac rehabilitation, allowing patients a more flexible way to engage in cardiac rehabilitation at home, in addition to in-person sessions at the cardiac rehabilitation center.
Current Studies
Mobile Technology Enabled Corrie Cardiac Rehabilitation Study (mTECH REHAB trial)