Preparing Your Bedroom for a Great Night's Sleep

Simple changes can have powerful impact on your sleep quality. Use these six tips from sleep experts Dr. Rachel Salas and Dr. Charlene Gamaldo to help you prepare for a successful night's sleep.
De-Clutter Your Room and Make the Bed
Clutter can stress you out. Move those dirty clothes to the closet, and make the bed every morning: research shows that people who do may sleep better at night.
Remove Blue Light-Emitting Technology
Our bodies take between three to four hours to wind down before sleep, notes Dr. Gamaldo. Research shows that the blue light emitted by computers, smartphones, TVs and LED lightbulbs wreak havoc on the natural process and can prevent the body from producing melatonin. At the very least, unplug an hour before bedtime, and consider moving the TV and other electronics to the other room.
Banish the Pets
"You should choose your bed partners wisely," says Dr. Gamaldo. Pets can be disruptive when you're trying to sleep, and sharing your bed with a pet can elevate your internal body temperature. If possible, keep pets off the bed -- and consider making them sleep in the other room.
Set the Right Temperature
Your body temperature naturally drops as you sleep, and most people sleep best in temperatures between 65 and 69 degrees, according to Dr. Salas. If necessary, turn down the thermostat before turning in for the night.
Invest in Quality Window Shades
Black-out curtains or room-darkening shades help filter out external light and contribute to a more restful night's sleep.
Set Up Soft Lighting
If you do need to get up in the middle of the night, keep a flashlight or a nightlight nearby to avoid turning on bright lights, which can disrupt your ability to quickly fall back to sleep.