Low-Residue Recipes


A low-residue diet is used to reduce the amount of dietary fiber in the digestive tract. Doctors may prescribe low-residue diets after bowel surgery, before a colonoscopy or during a period of recovery from gastrointestinal symptoms. A collection of low-residue recipes can help a person safely reduce fiber intake until normal eating can be resumed.   

Low-residue diets may include refined grain products, juices without pulp or seeds, meat, fish, eggs, fruit (without peels or seeds) and some well-cooked vegetables. In general, doctors recommend limiting dairy products to prevent additional digestive problems. Foods that should be avoided when following a low-residue diet include whole grains, raw vegetables, dried fruit, seeds/nuts and dried beans.

Because nutritional deficiencies may occur, it’s important to follow a low-residue diet under doctor supervision. Doctors may recommend certain low-residue recipes and eating plans to promote optimal digestive health during the healing process. 

Wellness and Prevention