Chronic Disease Caregiver Resources
Caring for someone with a chronic disease involves challenges, both physical and mental. While the patient and caregiver may already have or develop a close bond, caregiving often takes a great physical and emotional toll on the one providing constant care. Chronic disease caregiver resources are designed to provide suggestions and support for caregivers.
For most caregivers, it can be helpful to know that others have gone through similar experiences in caring for chronically sick friends or relatives. Shared experiences can affirm various emotions and help caregivers cope. In addition, some caregivers may need help communicating their feelings openly and effectively.
Caregivers should take advantage of resources and supportive services to safeguard their own health. Remember that a caregiver can’t provide proper care if their own health is compromised.
Wellness and Prevention
Johns Hopkins Care at Home

We provide high quality, individualized care for patients of all ages where you feel most comfortable – your home or community. Our services and equipment are designed to help you regain and retain a level of independence.