Ocular Citatrical Pemphigoid

Ocular citatrical pemphigoid is a form of mucous membrane pemphigoid (MMP), a rare, inflammatory autoimmune disorder characterized by blistering lesions that affect the mucous membranes of the body - especially the mouth and the eyes.


Typical symptoms include redness, pain, tearing, and sensitivity to light. The inflammatory lesions on the ocular surface may result in scarring, loss of tear film, adhesions of the lids to the eyeball, corneal ulcers, and perforation. The frequent scarring that often occurs in this condition can lead to severe vision loss.


Exact diagnosis of this condition requires a biopsy from the patient’s conjunctiva or mouth.


The appropriate therapy for MMP includes oral immunomodulatory medications and sometimes surgical interventions. Because dry eye syndrome is often associated with MMP, dry eye therapy might be beneficial. Special gas-permeable contact lenses are also helpful for patients with MMP.

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