The Susan L. Burgert M.D. Gynecologic Oncology Survivorship Program

The Susan L. Burgert, M.D. Gynecologic Oncology Survivorship Program guides gynecologic oncology patients through their cancer care and beyond, helping them find support and resources throughout the process. This program begins in the office with comprehensive, compassionate care of the gynecologic oncology patient, continues through referrals to supportive services and extends out into the community, increasing education and awareness. We use our experience and dedication to help gynecologic cancer survivors live their lives to the fullest.
After her cancer diagnosis in 2013, Dr. Burgert dedicated herself to empowering gynecologic cancer survivors, raising funds to support research and increasing awareness. She co-founded the Below the Belt Stride and Thrive Run/Walk and served on the Gynecologic Cancer Survivorship Conference Committee. Her legacy will continue through an endowment fund created to support the Gynecologic Oncology Survivorship Program which has been renamed after her.
Gynecologic Supportive Services
Kelly's Angels and the "Little Big Things" Program
Through the generosity of a robust volunteer network, Kelly’s Angels, each person newly diagnosed with a gynecologic cancer is comforted with the “Little Big Things.” The program provides people newly diagnosed with a gynecologic cancer a bag of items to help comfort and relax them during treatment (for example, gorgeous hand-knit hats and scarves in the wintertime, journals, and self-care products). The bag is hand delivered, a personal connection made, and an offer of company during treatment extended. If you would like to become a volunteer, please call our office at the number below.
Stride and Thrive 2024: Annual 5k Run/Walk and 1-Mile Walk
A new diagnosis of cancer can be a very distressing experience for patients and their loved ones. Patients have said that speaking with other cancer survivors with a similar diagnosis or those having undergone or completed treatments helps reduce distress. The Woman-to-Woman program facilitates our patients connecting with one another to build a supportive bond and connection. (An element of this program was originally supported by a grant from the Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance.) If you are a patient looking to speak to another cancer patient, or are looking to become a mentor please call the survivorship program at 410-955-8240.
The Brotherhood of Caring
The Brotherhood of Caring is a unique program unites the male caregivers of people with gynecologic cancers and offers the opportunity to connect and provide each other with mutual support. Due to COVID-19, meetings are currently being held on Zoom. These sessions include elements of casual conversation, education, and guided exploration of the experiences of male caregivers. For more information, please call the survivorship program at 410-955-8240.