Specialty Services
After Care Clinic (ACC)
Serves as a resource for patients who have recently been treated in the emergency department or inpatient setting and are in need of short term follow-up
Executive and Preventive Health Program
Provides comprehensive health assessments for people with busy schedules
Healthful Eating, Activity & Weight Program
Works with patients to make long-term lifestyle changes to prevent chronic disease and improve their health with a focus on obesity, prediabetes and hypertension -
JHM Diabetes Prevention and Education Program (DPEP)
Provides two evidence-based programs: 1) The Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) for persons with prediabetes; and 2) Diabetes Self-Management Training (DSMT) for persons living with diabetes
Palliative Medicine Program
Helps patients facing life-threatening illnesses and their families live the fullest lives they can, control pain, deal with the mental and emotional effects of a serious illness, and manage symptoms