Lindsay Martin, MA

Research Associate


Medicine/General Internal Medicine (Primary)

Contact Information

Lindsay Martin

Email: [email protected]

Centers and Institutes: Welch Center for Prevention, Epidemiology and Clinical Research; Johns Hopkins Center for Health Equity
Expertise: Behavioral and technology-based approaches for health-related behavior change; Data management and informatics
Research Interests: Prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease and obesity, Behavioral intervention development, digital health tools, maternal health, health disparities, implementation science



  • Degrees
    • BA; University of Nevada (2008), with high distinction
    • MA; Towson University (2012), with high distinction
  • Professional Licensure
    • Licensed Professional Counseling Candidate, State of Colorado, 2019 (LPCC.0016857)


Lindsay Martin, MA, is a Research Associate in the Division of General Internal Medicine with a focus on promoting health behavior change to reduce cardiovascular disease and obesity and improve quality of life across populations. Her work specifically involves:

  1. Developing, adapting and testing innovative behavioral and technology-based interventions for managing weight and wellness during pregnancy and postpartum;
  2. Examining the independent and combined effects of behavioral approaches and digital tools for health behavior change;
  3. And devising and testing innovative solutions for remote data capture.

Ongoing trials she supports involve examining the effectiveness and implementation of the “Healthy for Two” health coaching + mHealth behavioral intervention integrated into routine prenatal care and early home visiting services for limiting gestational weight gain and postpartum weight retention in high-risk individuals with increased exposure to negative social determinants. She recently collaborated on an AHA-funded multi-site cohort study using a mobile app to examine the impact of timing of eating and sleeping intervals on weight. She serves as a consultant supporting electronic data capture and management processes for several clinical trials in the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and Johns Hopkins Center for Health Equity.


  • Bennett WL, Martin LM, Shea P, Perry JL, Sherer ML, Legato M, Klein SL. Establishment of a Private Foundation-Academic Partnership to Promote Careers of Early-Stage Investigators Examining the Influence of Sex and Gender on Health and Health Care. J of Women’s Health. 2023; 32(8):858-864. 
  • Hawkins M, Pokutnaya D, Duan D, Coughlin JW, Martin LM, Zhao D, Goheer A, Woolf T, Holzhauer, K, Lehmann H, Lent M, Mctigue K, Bennett W. Associations between sleep health and obesity and weight change in adults: The Daily24 Multisite Cohort Study. Sleep Health. 2023;9(5):767-73. 
  • Coughlin JW, Martin LM, Zhao D, Goheer A, Woolf TB, Holzhauer K, Lehmann HP, Lent MR, McTigue KM, Clark JM, Bennett WL. Electronic Health Record-Based Recruitment and Retention and Mobile Health App Usage: Multisite Cohort Study. J Med Int Res. 2022;24(6):e34191. 
  • Zhao D, Guallar E, Woolf TB, Martin LM, Lehmann H, Coughlin J, Holzhauer K, Goheer AA, McTigue KM, Lent MR, Hawkins M, Clark JM, Bennett WL. Association of Eating and Sleeping Intervals With Weight Change Over Time: The Daily24 Cohort. J Am Heart Assoc. 2023;12(3):e026484; 
  • Lent MR, Atwood M, Bennett WL, Woolf TB, Martin L, Zhao D, Goheer AA, Song S, McTigue KM, Lehmann HP, Holzhauer K, Coughlin JW. Night eating, weight, and health behaviors in adults participating in the Daily24 study. Eat Behav. 2022;45:101605. 
  • Bennett WL, Coughlin JW, Henderson, J, Martin, S, Yazdy GM Drabo, EF, Showell NN, McKinney C, Martin LM, Dalcin A, Sanders R, Wang, NY. Healthy for Two/Healthy for You: Design and methods for a pragmatic randomized clinical trial to limit gestational weight gain and prevent obesity in the prenatal care setting. Contemp Clinical Trials. 2022;113:106647. 
  • Woolf TB, Goheer A, Holzhauer K, Martinez J, Coughlin JW, Martin LM, Zhao D, Song S, Ahmad Y, Sokolinskyi K, Remayeva T, Clark JM, Bennett WL, Lehmann H. Development of a Mobile App for Ecological Momentary Assessment of Circadian Data: Design Considerations and Usability Testing. JMIR Form Res. 2021;5(7):e26297. 
  • Coughlin JW, Martin LM, Henderson J, Dalcin, AT, Fountain J, Wang N, Appel LJ, Clark JM, Bennett WL. Feasibility and acceptability of a remotely‐delivered behavioral health coaching intervention to limit gestational weight gain. Obesity Sc and Practice. 2020;6(5):484-93. 
  • Ayyala M, Coughlin JW, Martin LM, Henderson J, Ezekwe N, Clark JM, Appel LJ, Bennett WL. Perspectives of pregnant and postpartum women and obstetric providers to promote healthy lifestyle in pregnancy and after delivery: a qualitative in-depth interview study. BMC Womens Health, 2020;20(1):44. 
  • Martin LM, Espel-Huynh HM, Marando-Blank S, Evans, BC, Forman EF, Butryn ML, Wolever RQ, Baer RA, Herbert JD. Trusting homeostatic cues versus accepting hedonic cues: A randomized controlled comparing two distinct mindfulness-based intervention components. J of Contextual Beh Sc. 2017; 6(4):409-17. 
  • Forman, EM, Shaw JA, Goldstein SP, Butryn ML, Martin LM, Meiran N, Crosby R, Manasse SM. Mindful decision making and inhibitory control training as complementary means to decrease snack consumption. Appetite. 2016;103:176-83. 
  • Hitchcock P, Martin LM, Fischer L, Marando-Blank S, Herbert J. Popular conceptions of mindfulness: Awareness and emotional control. Mindfulness. 2016;7(4):940-9. 
  • Glassman LH, Martin LM, Bradley LE, Ibrahim A, Goldstein SP, Forman EM, Herbert JD. A Brief Report on the Assessment of Distress Tolerance: Are We Measuring the Same Construct? J of Rat-Emo Cog-Beh Ther. 2016;34:87-99.
  • Redgrave GW, Coughlin JW, Schreyer CC, Martin LM, Leonpacher AK, Seide M, Verdi A, Pletch A, Guarda, AS. Refeeding and weight restoration outcomes in anorexia nervosa: challenging current guidelines. Int J of Eat Disor. 2015;48(7):866-73. 
  • Martin LM, Plumb-Vilardaga JC, Timko CA. Examining the relationships amongst varieties of interpersonal valuing and mindfulness processes in eating pathology. Mindfulness. 2014;5(2):111-23.
  • Arigo D, Schumacher L, Martin LM. Upward appearance comparison and the development of eating pathology in college women. Int J of Eat Disor. 2014;47(5):467-70. 
  • Timko CA, Martin LM, Juarascio AS, Faherty A, Kalodner, C. Body image avoidance: An under-explored yet important mediator of the relationship between body image dissatisfaction and disordered eating. J of Contextual Beh Sc. 2014;3(3):203-11.