Gastroenterology and Hepatology Services at Levi Watkins, Jr, MD, Outpatient Center, Baltimore

Our expert clinicians at The Johns Hopkins Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at Johns Hopkins Hospital offer a full range of gastroenterology and hepatology services including endoscopy and motility studies.

Request an Appointment

Schedule online through MyChart

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Schedule by phone

New and existing patients can schedule by phone using these numbers:
For care in Maryland: 410-933-7495
For care in DC: 202-660-5555
International patients: +1-410-502-7683 or fill out a form

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Services at the Levi Watkins, Jr, MD, Outpatient Center

Clinics and Centers

Our Team

Advanced Practice Providers

Monica Riegert, D.N.P., C.R.N.P.
Monica Riegert