Welcome to the Johns Hopkins Executive & Preventive Health Program, your convenient source for comprehensive medical assessments and personalized health strategies from leading experts at Johns Hopkins Medicine.
Request an Appointment
Visit us at The Johns Hopkins Hospital:
Phone: 410-955-9819 or toll free at 1-888-544-1340
Email: [email protected]
Available: 7 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. EST, Monday through Friday
Please note: the Johns Hopkins Executive & Preventive Health Program operates as self-pay and does not bill or collect from health care plans. The program is not diagnostic nor second opinion and does not assume primary care for participants. Some companies have a clinical services agreement in place to offer our Executive & Preventive Health Program to select employees. This allows us to bill the company directly for services rendered. Please call our offices if you are interested in this option.

Are Vitamins and Supplements Safe?
Live Conference: One Day Dedicated to Your Health
Internist Bimal Ashar, M.D., M.B.A., conveys the latest information about unregulated vitamins and supplements including vitamins D and E, beta carotene, calcium, Co (coenzyme) Q-10, magnesium, zinc, glucosamine, and supplements to improve your memory.
The Johns Hopkins Executive and Preventive Health Program
The Johns Hopkins Executive and Preventive Health Program provides busy executives with an efficient way to receive a confidential, comprehensive, head-to-toe health assessment from one of the world’s leading institutions in diagnostic medicine, biomedical discovery and personalized care. Through conducting a series of examinations and screenings and then delivering a report of tangible, actionable results, all in a single day, our goal is to help business leaders gain a complete understanding of their existing health status, as well as how to maintain or improve their health.