Cutaneous Lymphoma Center

If you have been diagnosed with skin lymphoma, the Johns Hopkins Cutaneous Lymphoma Center is committed to providing you with the best available treatment for every stage of your condition. Our team of experts in dermatology, medical oncology, radiation oncology and transplant services are dedicated to help you manage your symptoms and maximize your quality of life.

Schedule An Appointment

Schedule online through MyChart

Current Johns Hopkins Medicine patients: Log into MyChart and schedule online | Sign up for MyChart.
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Schedule by phone

New and existing patients: 410-955-5933
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Please note that only patients diagnosed with skin lymphoma should schedule appointments at our center. If you are not sure about your skin condition diagnosis or are concerned about a skin lesion that has not been diagnosed as lymphoma, please call 410-955-5933 to request an appointment at one of our general dermatology clinics.

What to Expect at Your Appointment

Please make sure to stop applying skin lotions or creams at the affected areas of your skin two weeks prior to your appointment.


You will meet with a dermatologist, and possibly a cancer doctor, for about an hour.
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You may be asked to fill out a questionnaire that shows the impact of your skin lymphoma on different aspects of your life and well-being.

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At your first appointment, we will conduct tests such as blood tests and a skin biopsy and review any test results you or your doctor have sent or brought to us to compare the results of our tests with those findings.
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For scans and x-rays, you may need another appointment. We will work with you and your schedule, particularly if you are traveling to Baltimore for care.

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Meet the Experts

Although cutaneous lymphoma is a rare condition, our concentration in this area means we are familiar with what the condition means, what it is like to live with it, and the best means of treating it.
  • Sima Rozati, MD PhD

    • Director, In-patient Consultation Service
    • Assistant Professor of Dermatology
  • Ronald Sweren, MD

    • Director, Phototherapy/Photopheresis Program, Department of Dermatology
    • Assistant Professor of Dermatology
two doctors talking

Refer a Patient

To refer a patient, please fax your patient’s pathology reports, contact information and a brief note to 410-502-2309. If you require quicker service or would like to speak directly with a physician, please call 410-955-5933.

We will triage the case and contact the patient directly. Following the procedure, we will fax a report of the case to the referring physician.


Locations for Care

Visit one of our two convenient locations to better serve you.

Cutaneous Side Effects of Chemotherapies and Immunotherapies | What Providers Need to Know

Dermatologist Kevin Sharghi discusses cutaneous side effects of chemotherapies and immunotherapies. Sharghi explains how side effects from these therapies can be managed to improve the patient’s quality of life and prevent them from altering cancer treatment plans.


Learn about the Johns Hopkins Department of Dermatology’s Cutaneous Lymphoma Fellowship Program.

Charitable Giving

You can make a difference by supporting research and innovations in cutaneous lymphoma care and treatment.