Clinical and Translational Research

CTReP Group

Taking lessons learned in basic science laboratories and transferring these to applications that impact patient care is the essence of translational research at Johns Hopkins. Clinical research provides a means for cutting-edge discoveries to be tested with patients after they are already proven to be safe.

Areas of clinical and translational research currently include:

  • Aesthetic Research
  • Ethnic Skin Research
  • Melanoma Research
  • Pediatric Research
  • Skin Regeneration Research
  • Wound Research

Our Cutaneous Translational Research Program (CTReP) is our center for scientists to collaborate and conduct clinical research trials.

Veteran Skin Regeneration Research

Over the last decade, over 50,000 soldiers have been injured during conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.  In 2011, one in two injuries resulted in multiple amputations.  Fortunately, soldiers are returning from conflict alive because of the advancements in body armor; however, many are coming home with one or multiple limb amputations and a new set of health challenges.

Current Studies

The Johns Hopkins Dermatology research department is currently enrolling patients for active clinical research studies. Please use the links below for more information about each study, the requirements for participation, and how to enroll. For questions, please email or call the dermatology office at 410-502-SKIN (7546).

Clinical Trials at Johns Hopkins

For a complete list of available clinical trials, please visit our clinical trial database.