Charitable Giving

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Support the Department of Dermatology


To make a gift or pledge online, please complete our secure online giving form

Over the Phone

To speak to someone directly about making a gift, please call 443-287-7958.

Send via Mail

Mail your tax-deductible contribution to:

Fund for Johns Hopkins Medicine
Department of Dermatology
550 North Broadway, Suite 701B
Baltimore, MD 21205

Types of Gifts


Why Give to the Department of Dermatology?

Group of providers

A physician takes the time to learn about her patient’s family history of melanoma. Another identifies his patient’s rare skin condition and develops an individualized treatment plan. Researchers explore the promise of stem cells for wound healing that could ultimately provide hope to veterans returning from war.

All of these remarkable things are happening here, in the Department of Dermatology at Johns Hopkins Medicine. And they all take place with the support of a core group of individuals, like you, who dare to dream of dramatic advances in health care.

Your charitable gift helps sustain the work of our dermatologists, who strive to translate basic science into better treatment for patients with conditions such as skin cancer and autoimmune disease.

Contact the Development Office


Fund for Johns Hopkins Medicine
Department of Dermatology
550 North Broadway, Suite 701B
Baltimore, MD 21205

Phone & E-mail

Phone: 443-287-7958