Our Approach to Treatment: Patent Ductus Arteriosus
Babies and children with patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) receive care from our team with expertise in device closure of PDA, including specialized care for babies born prematurely.
For babies and children with patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) — an opening between the pulmonary artery and the aorta that allows blood to flow directly from the heart to the lungs — a cardiac catheterization procedure can close the defect and alleviate symptoms like difficulty breathing and improve growth.
The expert interventional cardiology team at Johns Hopkins All Children’s in St. Petersburg, Florida, specializes in using catheter procedures to close PDA in even very small premature babies so that they can thrive. Babies and children also generally have a much shorter recovery time after catheter procedures.
Why Choose Johns Hopkins All Children’s
The cardiac catheterization program at Johns Hopkins All Children’s is led by James Thompson, M.D., a national leader and early adopter in using the most advanced cardiac catheterization methods and technology to treat PDA in babies as small as 650 grams. He also teaches other physicians how to use this technology. Learn more about our Interventional Cardiology Program.
Treatment depends on factors like your child’s age, symptoms and size of the defect. If your child’s PDA is small and they have no symptoms of heart failure, our team may monitor to allow time for the defect to close on its own.
For babies and children who require treatment to close the PDA, we use cardiac catheterization to close the defect with a small device. The interventional cardiologist guides a long, thin tube called a catheter through the blood vessels (usually through a tiny incision in the groin area, neck or wrist), using imaging to guide the catheter and place the device that will close the hole.
For premature babies, we have expertise in using a specialized device — the FDA-approved Amplatzer Piccolo Occluder — to treat their PDA. Using a catheter to insert the Piccolo allows us to close it and improve blood flow in babies as small as 1½ pounds without surgery.
It is usually done within the first few weeks of life, and evidence shows that babies recover quicker from this procedure compared to previously performed surgical repair for PDA in premature babies. This also helps to avoid the negative side effects that can occur from treatment with medication.
The Heart Institute team includes experts in all aspects of cardiac care for children and adults with congenital heart defects, so your child can receive comprehensive care from our team through adulthood. Learn more about our Cardiology Program.
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