Privacy Statement-Donations to Johns Hopkins All Children's Foundation
If you feel that this organization is not abiding by its posted privacy policy, you should contact the privacy office.
Any individual or organization supplying information to Johns Hopkins All Children's Foundation can feel secure in knowing all information will be held in the strictest of confidence and with respect for the donor's privacy. Foundation files are not supplied to any unauthorized individuals or sold to any individual or organization and are used for the sole purpose of properly administering donor information as it relates to Johns Hopkins All Children's Foundation.
All members of the Association for Healthcare and Philanthropy shall comply with the Association's Statement of Professional Standards and Conduct: Association for Healthcare and Philanthropy members represent to the public, by personal example and conduct, both their employer and their profession. They have, therefore, a duty to faithfully adhere to the highest standards and conduct in:
Section VII
Their respect for the rights of privacy of others and the confidentiality of information gained in the pursuit of their professional duties.
Section V from the Donor Bill of Rights
To be assured that information about their donations is handled with respect and with confidentiality to the extent provided by law.