The Johns Hopkins Hospital Awards and Recognition


The Joint Commission Accreditation

gold joint commission seal

The Johns Hopkins Hospital is fully accredited by The Joint Commission on accreditation of health care organizations and is licensed by the Maryland Department of Health. The hospital also earned The Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval® in several specialty areas, including the Advanced Comprehensive Stroke Center certification. The Gold Seal reflects a health care organization’s commitment to providing safe and quality patient care and preparing patients and their caregivers for discharge.

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Patient Safety and Quality Ratings

The Johns Hopkins Hospital staff and physicians follow The Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goals as our framework for quality and safety. See how our hospital ranks in patient experience, home care quality, readmisions, infection prevention and other metrics as evaluated by The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services based on patient surveys.

See our ratings

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Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grades

The Johns Hopkins Hospital was awarded an "A" in the most recent round of hospital safety grades by the Leapfrog Group. The Leapfrog Group evaluates hospital performance in preventing medical errors, infections and other harms among patients in their care.

Learn more about our safety grade

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ANCC Magnet Recognition for Nursing Excellence

The Magnet Recognition Program designates organizations worldwide where nursing leaders successfully align their nursing strategic goals to improve the organization’s patient outcomes.

The Meaning of Magnet: Nurses Ponder the Significance of the Nation's Most Coveted Nursing Award

Learn more about the Magnet Recognition Program

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DAISY Award and Other Nursing Awards

The DAISY Award is an internationally acknowledged recognition program to celebrate registered nurses that have exemplified extraordinary and compassionate patient care. A DAISY Award is given to a deserving nurse each quarter, based on criteria established to meet our mission and values.

In addition to the DAISY award, nurses at the Johns Hopkins Hospital are recognized each year for their nursing excellence by the Baltimore Magazine and the Washington Post.

Meet our DAISY award-winning nurses

Celebrating Johns Hopkins Hospital’s First DAISY Team Award Recipients

The Johns Hopkins Hospital’s first DAISY Team Award was presented to the staff of Nelson 5. Nelson 5 was one of the first units at the hospital to care for COVID-19 patients since the beginning of the pandemic.

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Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative

Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative, a global program launched by the World Health Organization and the United Nations Children’s Fund, awards a baby friendly designation for a period of five years. This designation recognizes hospitals for offering an optimal level of care for infant feeding and mother-baby bonding.

Baby-Friendly USA: Information for Parents

Learn more about our Baby-Friendly Initiative

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American Heart Association/American Stroke Association Awards

The Johns Hopkins Hospital is home to an Advanced Comprehensive Stroke Center as certified by The Joint Commission. Our stroke program continues to improve and earn other care quality awards from national organizations.

Each year, the American Heart Association recognizes hospitals that demonstrate a high commitment to following guidelines that improve patient outcomes.

Johns Hopkins Hospital Designations

  • Get With The Guidelines® - Resuscitation Gold Plus
  • Stroke Award Gold Plus
  • Target: Stroke Honor Roll-Elite Plus

Learn more about Get With The Guidelines®

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CHIME's Healthcare's Most Wired Designation

The College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME) conducts an annual survey to award the Most Wired designation to healthcare organizations that exemplify best practices through adoption, implementation and use of information technology to elevate the health and care of communities they serve.

The Johns Hopkins Hospital is designated as Level 9. Organizations at this level are often leaders in healthcare technology who actively push the industry forward.

View the Most Wired survey results

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Patient-Centered Care

The Johns Hopkins Hospital earned Gold Certification for Excellence in Person-Centered Care from Planetree International, a nonprofit organization that recognizes health care organizations globally for innovation in and dedication to person-centered care. Johns Hopkins is the first major academic medical center in the country to receive this designation.

Learn more about this certification