![Kellie Tamashiro](https://kyruus-app-static.kyruus.com/providermatch/johnshopkins/photos/200/tamashiro-kellie.jpg?1715896693624)
Kellie Tamashiro, PhD
- Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Faculty
- English
FemaleAbout Kellie Tamashiro
Primary Academic Title
Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Centers and Institutes
Recent News Articles and Media Coverage
Happy Thanksgiving: If Kids Exercise, They Are Not Doomed By Maternal Epigenetics To Be Obese, Science 2.0, November 28, 2013
Contact for Research Inquiries
Ross Building
720 Rutland Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21205
Phone: (410) 614-9151
Fax: (410) 502-3769
Research Interests
Stress, depression, obesity, ingestive behavior, eating disorders, Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD), epigenetics, neuroendocrinology, animal models
Lab Website
Behavioral Neuroscience Laboratory - Lab Website
Research Summary
Our research program focuses on the developmental origins of disease. Stressors, including altered diet, psychosocial stress, immune challenge, during gestation can have adverse consequences on the intrauterine environment and increase disease susceptibility of the developing fetus. The long-term effects on offspring include greater susceptibility to psychiatric disease, such as depression and anxiety disorders, and adverse metabolic conditions including obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Studies in the laboratory use rodent models and incorporate a multilevel approach to determine the behavioral, physiological, and neural correlates of disease development. Genetic and epigenetic approaches are used to further elucidate molecular mechanisms that may increase susceptibility to psychiatric disease and will facilitate development of diagnostic biomarkers and novel clinical interventions for such conditions.
Another area of interest in the lab is in eating disorders. We use a rat animal model of anorexia (“activity-based anorexia”) to identify the factors that serve to perpetuate and sustain anorexia nervosa-like behavior and increase the likelihood of relapse.
- Alan N. Epstein Research Award, Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior, 7/1/14
- Ethan Sims Young Investigator Award Finalist, The Obesity Society, 10/1/07
- K99/R00 Pathway to Independence Award, NIH, 1/1/06
- Post-Doctoral Fellow, Training Grant in Psychiatry & Neuroscience (T32 MH-15330), 1/1/05
- Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Society, 1/1/04
- Pre-Doctoral Fellow, Training Grant in Neuroendocrinology (T32 DK-59803), 1/1/03
- Fellowship, Albert J. Ryan Foundation, 1/1/02
- Fellowship, University Distinguished Graduate, 1/1/00
Graduate Program Affiliations
Faculty, Cellular & Molecular Medicine Graduate Program
- Society for Neuroscience
- Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior
- The Obesity Society
- Society of Biological Psychiatry
Additional Training
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, 2008, Psychiatry & Neuroscience