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Arik Marcell

Arik Marcell, MD, MPH

Adolescent Medicine

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About Arik Marcell

Primary Academic Title

Professor of Pediatrics


Dr. Arik Marcell is a tenured professor of pediatrics at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. His areas of clinical expertise include adolescent medicine, male reproductive health and pediatrics. 

Dr. Marcell holds a joint appointment in the Department of Population, Family and Reproductive Health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

He earned his M.D. from the University of Illinois College of Medicine and his M.P.H. from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. He completed his residency at the University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics and fellowship in adolescent medicine at the University of California in San Francisco. 

Dr. Marcell has led updates to the nation's Title X guidelines on men’s health for clinical preventive service recommendations on family planning and sexual and reproductive health. He directs the Title X program at the Harriet Lane Clinic and recently received funding from the Office of Family Planning to integrate rapid HIV testing in the clinic.

Dr. Marcell is faculty sponsor for the Bloomberg School of Public Health’s certificate in adolescent health. His teaching excellence has been recognized from the Bloomberg School of Public Health for his course on Masculinity, Sexual Behavior, and Health- one of the only men's health-focused courses being taught in the nation in a public health school.

Centers and Institutes

Research Interests

Adolescent health care utilization, Adolescent reproductive health, Male reproductive health care

Research Summary

Dr. Marcell's research focuses on understanding strategies to improve the health of young male populations who have historically received little attention by medicine and public health in the areas of family planning and sexual and reproductive health and expectant father involvement as a key member of the family triad.

His research integrates behavioral science, health services research, and public health practice. He has experience using mixed methodologies, including focus group and in-depth interviewing techniques, person-based longitudinal data analysis, and multilevel modeling. He also has experience examining large datasets on men’s health-related topics, including the National Longitudinal Survey of Adolescent Health, the National Ambulatory Medical Care Surveys, the National Survey of Adolescent Males and the National Survey of Family Growth.

Dr. Marcell received an NIH NICHD for a career development award (K23 HD47457) focused on examining “Teen Males’ Reproductive Health Needs and Barriers to Care”. He is currently funded by the NIH (NICHD R01 HD109141) to exam the efficacy of Health-E You a pre-visit mobile health app for sexually active male adolescent patients to promote family planning and sexual and reproductive health care (FP/SRHC) receipt in a randomized control trial where currently no such strategy exists.

He was recently funded by the NIH (NICHD R21 HD097453) to the examine the acceptability, feasibility, and preliminary efficacy of a text messaging program (text4FATHER) connecting with fathers-to-be during maternity care to increase expectant fathers’ infant engagement during their partner’s pregnancy through early infancy and is currently funded by the NIH (NICHD 1R21HD112617) and the MCHB (R40MC53072) to the adapt and pilot test text4FATHER for use with first-time fathers nationally connected from social media.

He is also currently funded by the AHRQ (1R03HS029351-01) and the MCHB (1R42MC49146-01-00) to examine longitudinal well-visits and receipt of preventive care by gender using the NIH NEXT longitudinal secondary dataset. He was recently funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Secretary’s Minority AIDS Initiative (5H25PS003796) to develop and evaluate whether training youth-serving professionals on a male-specific web-based clinic guide (Y2CONNECT.org) was effective in engaging African American and Latino males aged 15-24 in Baltimore City in sexual and reproductive health care. He was recently funded to disseminate this technology-based intervention to other school jurisdictions across the country for the benefit of middle and high school students.

He has extensive experience training health professionals on topics such as STDs, adolescent health, and male reproductive health.

Selected Publications

  • Marcell AV, Gibbs S, Choiriyyah I, Sonenstein FL, Astone N, Pleck JH, Dariotis J. National Needs of Family Planning Among US Men Aged 15 to 44 Years. American Journal of Public Health. 2016;106(4):733-9.

  • Marcell AV, Morgan AR, Sanders R, Lunardi N, Pilgrim NA, Jennings JM, Page KR, Loosier PS, Dittus PJ. The socio-ecology of sexual and reproductive health care use among young urban minority males. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2017;60(4):402-410.

  • Marcell AV, Gibbs S, Pilgrim NA, Page KR, Arrington-Sanders R, Jennings J, Loosier PS, Dittus PJ. Sexual and reproductive health care receipt among young males aged 15-24. J Adolescent Health. 2018;62(4):382-389. PMID: 29128296 PMCID: PMC6080721

  • Lindberg LD, Maddow-Zimet I, Marcell AV. Prevalence of sexual initiation before age 13 in the U.S. among male adolescents and young adults. JAMA Pediatrics. 2019;173(6):553-560. PMID: 30958512 PMC6547075

  • Marcell AV, Johnson SB, Nelson T, Labrique AB, Van Eck K, Skelton S, Aqil A, Gibson D. Protocol for the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary efficacy trial of text4FATHER for improving underserved fathers’ involvement in infant care. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved. 2021;32(3):1110-1135 PMID: 34421016 PMCID: PMC8938706

Courses & Syllabi

Masculinity, Sexual Behavior & Health: Adolescence & Beyond, 380.720.01


  • Teaching Excellence, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Term 2 | 2018–19, Masculinity, Sexual Behavior and Health: Adolescence and Beyond 
  • Teaching Excellence, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Term 2 | 2019–20, Masculinity, Sexual Behavior and Health: Adolescence and Beyond
  • Teaching Excellence, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Term 2 | 2020–21, Masculinity, Sexual Behavior and Health: Adolescence and Beyond
  • Teaching Excellence, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Term 2 | 2022–23, Masculinity, Sexual Behavior and Health: Adolescence and Beyond
  • Teaching Excellence, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Term 3 | 2023–24, Masculinity, Sexual Behavior and Health: Adolescence and Beyond
  • Winner, Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine Annual Meeting 2023 Vaughn Rickert Vaccine Research Award for paper entitled “A System-Level Approach to Improve Uptake of First COVID-19 Vaccine Dose Among Various Age Groups Within A Primary Care Setting: The Value of Health Educators.” 


  1. Rubenstein Child Health Building
    • 200 North Wolfe Street, Building 1, Baltimore, MD 21287



    University of California San Francisco School of Medicine

    Fellowship, Adolescent Medicine, 2001

    University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics

    Residency, Pediatrics, 1998

    Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

    Graduate School, MPH, 1995

    University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine

    Medical Education, MD, 1995

    Board Certifications

    Adolescent Medicine

    American Board of Pediatrics, 2003


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