Andrea J. Ruff, MD
- Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Faculty
- English
FemaleAbout Andrea J. Ruff
Centers and Institutes
Additional Academic Titles
Joint Appointment in Pediatrics
Research Interests
AIDS and retroviral infections, Disease Control, Immunoparasitology, Infectious Diseases
Research Summary
Dr. Ruff's research interests are concentrated primarily on HIV. She is the principal investigator in a recently completed NIH-funded clinical trial in Ethiopia determining the efficacy of nevirapine prophylaxis in preventing HIV transmission through breastfeeding; this trial was conducted in collaboration with Drs. Brooks Jackson and Bob Bollinger and their colleagues in Uganda and India. Dr. Ruff directs the CDC PEPFAR funded Technical Support for the Ethiopia HIV/AIDS Initiative (TSEHAI), providing technical expertise/assistance to hospitals, the ministry of health and universities in Ethiopia as they roll-out HIV prevention and treatment activities.