Fellowship in Rhinology

Department of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery
Johns Hopkins Outpatient Center
601 N. Caroline Street, 6th Floor
Baltimore, MD 21287

Phone: (410) 955-7808
Fax: (410) 614-8610

ACCREDITATION STATUS: The faculty fellowship in rhinology and paranasal sinus surgery in the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery is approved by the Graduate Medical Education Committee of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

LICENSING REQUIREMENT: Maryland state medical license

Instructor – University Academic appointment
Full-time medical staff – hospital appointment

OPERATING PRIVILEGES: Hospital full-time staff privileges

OVERVIEW: The Johns Hopkins rhinology fellowship is a one-year program designed to provide a comprehensive training experience to prepare participants for a career in academic rhinology. Fellows will participate in a busy tertiary rhinology practice that is supported by a strong institutional network of regional, national, and international referrals. The Johns Hopkins Sinus Center clinical activities include the breadth of medical rhinology, including otolaryngic allergy and office-based procedures. Fellows will receive operative training in primary and revision endoscopic sinus surgery, advanced frontal sinus procedures, endoscopic approaches to orbital disease processes, removal of benign and malignant tumors, and endoscopic skull base surgery. In addition, fellows will assume graduated responsibility for an independent clinic and surgical caseload. It is expected that fellows will participate in resident teaching and attend rhinology case conferences, as well as make educational presentations within the department.

RESEARCH: The Johns Hopkins Sinus Center is a national leader in NIH-funded research in rhinology. Fellows will have an opportunity to take part in a robust clinical and basic science research experience through their work with the fellowship directors. Dr. Lane’s and Dr. Ramanathan’s laboratories focus on clinically-oriented bench research into the underlying mechanisms of chronic rhinosinusitis and inflammatory olfactory loss.  Dr. London has an intramural laboratory at the National Institutes of Health and performs translational research in to skull base tumor biology and therapy.  The fellowship offers mentorship for obtaining foundation and/or NIH grant support that can provide a springboard toward a career as a clinician-scientist. A robust clinical research program is headed by Dr, Rowan, involving outcomes research, database analysis, and clinical trials in partnership with industry.  Fellows have the opportunity to lead these projects and further develop new corporate relationships.

TEACHING RESPONSIBILITIES: The fellow is an instructor in the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery and is expected to participate in regular teaching conferences as well as supervising residents during rhinology cases and leading them in cadaver dissection . The fellow will be assigned occasional lectures to give at resident teaching conferences, and one grand rounds to be presented to the department. In addition the fellow will be invited to participate in the Rhinology Division case conference.

ELIGIBILITY: Applicants must be board eligible/board certified and satisfy the requirements for Maryland medical licensure. THIS PROGRAM DOES NOT ACCEPT INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL GRADUATES FOR TRAINING.

SALARY AND BENEFITS: Fellows are paid at University PGY-6 level. In addition. Fellows receive full University health coverage, dental, life, and disability. Two weeks of vacation are allotted per year.

APPLICATION PROCESS: The application process is managed through the SF math. All applications should be submitted online through www.sfmatch.org. Please feel free to contact the fellowship program directors with questions.

CALL RESPONSIBILITIES: The fellow covers approximately 4 week-long periods of attending level home call.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: If applicants desire additional information, please contact the fellowship director. Previous fellows of the Johns Hopkins fellowship program are available to discuss their experience.


  • Andrew P. Lane, MD

    • Director, Johns Hopkins Sinus Center
    • Professor of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
  • Murugappan Ramanathan, MD

    • Vice Director of Clinical Operations
    • Professor of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
  • Nyall R. London, MD PhD

    • Associate Professor of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
  • Nicholas R. Rowan, MD

    • Clinic Director, Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery, Johns Hopkins Health Care & Surgery Center – Green Spring Station
    • Associate Professor of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery

Fellowship Faculty

Masaru Ishii, MD PhD

  • Associate Professor of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery