Our foot and ankle experts use cutting-edge science and technology to treat a wide range of muscle, bone, ligament and tendon conditions affecting the foot and ankle. Our experienced team also partners with other Johns Hopkins specialists, including physical therapists, pain management specialists, radiologists and oncologists when necessary to provide quality, personalized treatment plans for every patient.
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Conditions We Treat
- Arthritis
- Athletic conditions, including turf toe, dance, running injuries, tendinitis and stress fractures
- Flat foot not responsive to inserts
- Foot and ankle deformity, such as hallux valgus (bunions) and hammertoe
- Fractures of the heel (calcaneus) and foot (talus, cuboid, navicular, cuneiforms, metatarsals)
- Plantar fasciitis
- Achilles tendon conditions and injuries
- Ankle fractures
- Ankle replacement
- Arthritis
- Cartilage injuries to the ankle, including osteochondral lesions
- Recurrent ankle instability
Our Experts
Advanced Practitioners
Brian Edward Lee, PA-C

Expertise: Orthopedic Sports Medicine
Primary Location: Johns Hopkins Health Care & Surgery Center — Bethesda, Bethesda, MD
Hear from Our Experts
Ankle Sprains | Q&A with Dr. John Thompson
Treating Flat Foot Deformity | Dr. Nigel Hsu
Ankle Arthritis | Q&A with Dr. John Thompson