Pediatric Sleep Center

child sleeping peacefully with teddy bearJohns Hopkins Pediatric Sleep Center takes a multidisciplinary approach in diagnosing and treating children with sleep disorders.

The Johns Hopkins Pediatric Sleep Center provides comprehensive evaluation and family-centered care and treatment for children with sleep-disordered breathing and sleep apnea. The Johns Hopkins pediatric polysomnography laboratories, which are accredited by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, are located at five sites throughout Maryland. Our laboratory specialists are experts at performing studies in even the youngest children, and we work to provide the best experience for each child and their family in our labs. Our multidisciplinary sleep clinics are held at Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital and Johns Hopkins Children’s Center. They each provide access to highly trained physicians, respiratory therapists and cognitive behavioral therapists to help children and families cope with sleep disorders.

 Our clinical experts see patients with:

  • Snoring and suspected sleep apnea
  • Known obstructive sleep apnea requiring continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) or bi-level positive airway pressure (BiPAP) therapy
  • Sleep-related respiratory failure or apnea related to neuromuscular diseases such as muscular dystrophy or cerebral palsy
  • Conditions that increase the risk of sleep-disordered breathing, such as obesity, Down syndrome and achondroplasia 
  • Children with daytime sleepiness and narcolepsy

Learn More About the Johns Hopkins Pediatric Sleep Center

Sleep Habits in Children | FAQ with Dr. Laura Sterni

Dr. Laura Sterni, director of the Johns Hopkins Pediatric Sleep Center, answers frequently asked questions about sleep habits in children. She provides information on how much sleep is “enough,” the causes and consequences of inadequate sleep, and where parents can find help if their child has trouble sleeping.


Physician Referrals

If you would like to order a sleep study to evaluate a patient for obstructive sleep apnea without evaluation in our clinic, please call 410-955-2035. To assure that the most appropriate study is done in the laboratory, we ask that children be seen in the sleep clinic at the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center prior to a sleep study if they:

  • Are under the age of one year
  • Have complex medical issues
  • Have behavioral issues that may make a sleep study difficult
  • Have a tracheotomy
  • Are on oxygen, a ventilator, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) or bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP)

Specialized sleep laboratory studies to evaluate children for nighttime seizure activity, gastroesophageal reflux and narcolepsy are also available. Prior evaluation in the sleep clinic is required for these studies.

Sleep Center Research

Faculty at the Johns Hopkins Pediatric Sleep Center engage in a number of sleep-related research studies. For more information, call Audrey Dewitt, clinical and research coordinator, at 410-955-1106.

Contact and Locations

Contact Us

To schedule an appointment in our clinic, call 443-997-5437 (KIDS) and ask to make an appointment in the Johns Hopkins Pediatric Sleep Clinic.

Physician Referrals: To order a sleep study to evaluate a patient for obstructive sleep apnea without evaluation in our clinic, call 410-955-2035.

Fax: 410-367-3242



The Johns Hopkins Children's Center Pediatric Sleep Clinic
David M. Rubenstein Child Health Building
200 N Wolfe St
Baltimore, MD 21287

The Johns Hopkins Pediatric Sleep Center at Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital
Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital
1708 W Rogers Ave
Baltimore, MD 21209

The Johns Hopkins Pediatric Sleep Center at Johns Hopkins Howard County Medical Center
Medical Arts Building
11085 Little Patuxent Parkway, Suite 210
Columbia, MD 21044