Conditions We Treat: Diminished Ovarian Reserve

Diminished ovarian reserve, a condition affecting nearly one-third of infertility patients, refers to a decrease in the quality and quantity of a woman’s eggs in her ovaries, which impacts her fertility.

Aging is the most common cause of diminished ovarian reserve, but it can be caused by disease, prior surgeries, certain medications and genetic disorders.

Diminished Ovarian Reserve Treatment: Why Choose Johns Hopkins

  • The Johns Hopkins Fertility Center includes highly trained specialists, embryologists and nurses dedicated to providing personalized and compassionate care for individuals and their families on their path to parenthood.
  • Through a multidisciplinary team approach, we use groundbreaking research and advanced technology in order to optimize fertility treatments.

Diminished Ovarian Reserve Treatment: What to Expect

To determine whether you may be affected by diminished ovarian reserve, our experts will perform a comprehensive evaluation, including laboratory tests to analyze hormone levels and ultrasound to examine your ovaries. After analyzing the results, we will tailor our treatment plan to maximize your chance of pregnancy.

Our Team of Diminished Ovarian Reserve Specialists

Rely on the expertise of our physicians to help you manage diminished ovarian reserve.