Emergency Medicine Faculty

Additional Faculty Appointments

Gai Cole, Dr.P.H., M.B.A., M.H.A.

Research Associate
Gai Cole

Bianca Conti, M.D.

Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
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Katherine Fenstermacher, Ph.D.

Research Associate
Katherine Fenstermacher

Yvette Fouche-Weber, M.D.

Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
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Daniel Gold, D.O.
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Ameen Jamali, M.D.

Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine
Ameen Jamali

Gary Klein, Ph.D.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine
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Diego A. Martinez, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine
Diego Martinez
Andrew Pekosz
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Lauren Sauer, M.S.

Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine
Lauren Sauer

Gabriella Dashler

Research Associate
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