Empowering Women to Make Informed Health Care Decisions

Since 1995, Johns Hopkins Medicine’s women’s health program A Woman's Journey provides new and compelling information about important issues affecting women's health. Through a selection of in person seminars, webcasts and podcasts presented exclusively by Hopkins faculty physicians, participants are able to hear first-hand about advances in medicine from the individuals performing the research, all the while interacting with a diverse group of attendees.

  • Webcast: Healthy Conversations That Matter

    Join A Woman’s Journey national chair, Kelly Geer Ripken for a live conversation with Johns Hopkins physicians around health issues, with live questions from the viewing audience.

    women in conversation
  • Podcast: Healthy Insights That Matter

    Healthy Insights That Matter are podcasts with a Johns Hopkins physician. Available on iTunes or wherever you listen to your podcasts. Hosted by Lillie Shockney, M.A.S. University Distinguished Service Professor of Breast Cancer Professor of Surgery.

  • On Demand

    Videos of Johns Hopkins experts discussing important health information affecting women.

    video camera

Contact Us

720 Rutland Ave., Turner 001
Baltimore, MD 21205
Phone: 410-955-8660
Email: awomansjourney@jhmi.edu